Sunday, June 22, 2008


Last night I got the chance to babysit my 2 neices and nephew. They are just the cutest kids ever! It's always so fun being with them especially becuase you never know what they are going to say.

Kaylee is the oldest. She just turned 5. She is sooo smart and acts like such a little teenager. She is always trying to negotiate to get what she wants. Last night when I was trying to put them to bed, we had this conversation:

Me: OK, it's time for bed.
Kaylee: But my mom said I could stay up till they got home. (flat out lie)
Me: Nope, they won't be home till very late and you have church tomorrow. I will have them come in and say goodnight when they get home.
Kaylee: No, it's too hard to go back to sleep after they wake me up.
Me: Ok then you can see them in the morning.
Kaylee: Nope, make another deal.
Me: You have two options, you can see them in the morning when you get up or I can have them come wake you up to say goodnight.
Kaylee: I don't like those...make a third deal please...
Me: Nope, let's say prayers while you decide which one you would like.

She is soo funny! Such a negotiater.

In the mean time, we started prayers. Kamree went first (she is 3 and such a handful!). I was trying to help her, but she kepy saying "I can by myself". Which turned out really favorite line from the prayer was (in the whiniest voice you have ever heard)..."and JJ, he pinched me on the arm. And it really hurts." As if she was a little spy reporting who had broke the rules for the day.

After prayers, Kaylee told me that she had worked out a deal of her own, and that was that she wanted to call everone in the free world to say goodnight. So, since I am such a nice aunt and I really wanted them to go to bed as we had had a rough night, I accepted this deal. After 5 phone calls I convinced her that everyone else was in bed and she finally gave in and got in bed. Then Kamree climbed on the top bunk bed with Kaylee and started jumping and jumping, screaming "I want to sleep with Kay-Wee!" to which Kaylee replied with a good kick and a bite on the arm.

Needless to say it was complete chaos!!! Luckily for me JJ, the youngest, had gone to sleep about an hour before.

The funny thing is that no matter how naughty they are, I still just love them to peices! I just can't get enough of them. But I was of course relieved when their mom and dad got home and I could return to the peace and quiet that was waiting for me at home.


Holly said...

They are so cute! I loved your conversations with them. Kids do say the funniest things! I try to write down everything so I don't forget, that's why I started blogging:)

ELI said...

Yeah, sounds like a typical day. I'll have to be careful of what I do to Kamree from now on--she may tell God.

Uncle Will said...

Ahhh, so cute. I'm so glad you are the first one they call when they need a babysitter. I love those kids as much as everyone else, but I need about 50 valium after I watch them and I think they probably need them, too! (Krisanda -- if you're reading this, I'm just kidding! I LOVE watching the kids and will do it whenever you need... just leave some valium on the kitchen counter).

The Bell Family said...

Thanks a lot William!!!! Just for that I am going to make you babysit for a week!!!!!! And I'll put them all in diapers and give them gallons and gallons of juice - if ya know what I mean!
Thank you Krishelle for babysitting - that was really nice! And I'm happy to tell you that they did not tattle on you for anything the next day.

.:Misti:. said...

Thank you for the nice comment. I am way excited to try this out, and I'm excited to have a blog buddy too!
Thank you for all that you do for me at work you are a great friend :)

Cathie said...

Krishelle, you are an amazing, talented and wonderful girl and I love you. I love your posts and especially the music! xoxox Mom

Cathie said...

Krishelle, you are an amazing, talented and wonderful girl and I love you. I love your posts and especially the music! xoxox Mom