Monday, July 28, 2008

Fishin' With Dad!!

When we were kids, one of our favorite things to do was to go fishing with my dad. This is my favorite picture from one of our fishing trips! (mostly because Krisanda and I are both wearing Chucky Cheese T-shirts, we were so cool!!) We were so lucky to have such a great dad who liked spending time with his girls!! And...we are still very lucky, I am sure my dad is the best dad in the whole world!!

And, I am sure you can tell who his favorite child is....I'll give you a hint....It's ME!!!


Andrea said...

What a cute post and great photo! I love the Chuck-E-Cheese shirts. Now that's classy. This picture of your dad really looks a lot like Eli to me. It's like they're related or something.

Krishelle said...

Andrea...I think it's the moustache and the plaid shirt...

Holly said...

That is an awesome picture! I hope you have that one framed. Your dad sounds like a great one, and I still love Chuck-E-Cheese:)

ELI said...

I've never noticed the t-shirts before. That makes this so much more funny to me!

Emily said...

You know how much I love Bob! He's the best, just like you are. You've family is the greatest. I love you! Em

Andrea said...

Bha-ha! You're right, Krishelle.

Uncle Will said...

Those t-shirts are AWESOME! Do you still have them??? I hope so! You can kind of tell that you're his favorite because your dad is giving Krisanda the elbow! So funny! I love this picture!!!

The Bell Family said...

Well,you know I still have my Chuck-E-Cheese t-shirt and wear it frequently! I hate to tell you though, but Dad let me know that I was actually his favorite child ....... by far! Sorry! He told me not to let you, Nueli, or Muggy know, but it is time to tell the truth. No more secrets, no more lies! Also FYI, Mom feels the same way!

Cathie said...

Well, I must admit I do feel the same way about ALL my children. xoxox Mom