Let me start out by saying that something is seriously wrong with me...something that would probably take years of therapy to fix!
So here's the story...
Last Saturday I was driving (in my fancy new Lexus) from work to my parents house. I was on Bangerter going south. When I hit about 6200 S I noticed a truck behind me that was following rather closely. As soon as I noticed him, he pulled into the lane next to me and slowed down to drive the exact same speed as me. I realized he was staring right at me! When I turned my head to look, he waved winked and smiled. Now this wasn't your typical creepy, balding, toothless, child predator type guy that would normally flirt with someone while driving down the highway, this was a very good looking, tan, guy that any single girl would love to date. As soon as he winked I completely panicked. I flipped my blinker on, got into the turn lane as quickly as possible and took a left turn onto a road that put me total off route, as he sailed ahead through the next light (probably thinking what a snob I am).
The instant I made the left turn I realized something was seriously wrong with me and contemplated making a U turn (which would have been impossible) getting back on Bangerter and hunting down that truck again. There was no use, my future husband was long gone...I was certain I had ruined my life forever and let my future speed on past me. Then I remembered I had a cold sore and my face was peeling horribly and decided it was probably better he didn't see me up close!
So, to the guy in the truck...
I am extremely sorry I acted like such a snob. I know it seems ridiculous that I couldn't even wave back but I am shy, I completely panicked and acted on the first thought that came into my head. I don't think you are a creep or a psycho. I realize that something is seriously wrong with me, so please (after I attend years of therapy) give me another chance!!
I am completely pathetic and doomed to be single for the rest of my life!!
***Disclaimer for my parents who will probably read this...I completely understand that single girls must be very careful to not get into situations that may be dangerous or scary...which is probably part of the reason my reaction was what it was. There is no need to worry (obviously) because I couldn't even wave back like any normal person would do.
While I am on the subject of being single, I have one other story to post...
On Monday I walked into work and Rob, one of my employees, who sits in the desk right next to me said, "I have a funny story to tell you..." He was at his aunt and uncle's house over the weekend when his aunt told him she wanted to set him up on a blind date with someone she knew. She continued to tell him about this girl and how she knew the girls family and that this girl worked for a bank just like Rob did! When Rob asked for the girls name...it turned out to be me that she was trying to set him up with. His aunt happens to be in my parents ward and serves in the primary with my mom. We laughed and laughed...and although Rob is fantastic and a lot of fun to work with, neither of us date coworkers so we won't be going out anytime soon.
It's really nice to know that people are watching out for me (even people I don't know that well) because believe me, I need all the help in the dating area that I can get!!! So...if you are reading this and you just happen to know some fantastic, single guy that needs a date...I am totally free for blind dates...unless he's a co-worker or I have to meet him on Bangerter Highway...
New Mexico time!
5 weeks ago
Thanks for the disclaimer. You almost got three threatening emails from various family members warning you about the dangers of highway predators.
Funny stories! I would have done the exact same thing in the car - and I would have been crying as well or pinching my cheek in nervousness....ha ha....I think you know what I mean by that! And you are deffinately not doomed to be single forever! The guy who GETS you, will be the luckiest guy in the world!!!
Oh, Krishelle! I can completely relate to your Bangerter Highway story.
Your reaction to truck guy pretty much sums up every reaction I've ever had to someone showing any interest in me. Not exaggerating.
I don't know how I ended up married.
That is the most awesome story I have heard, I love it Krishelle, you just crack me up all the time. I bet the guy was a pervert, you were inspired to turn downt that road, at least that's what I would tell myself:)
1) I didn't know you got a new car. Cool and good for you!
2) I agree you need therapy! haha and j/k. I totally would have done the same thing (maybe) :)
You are so funny!!! I love it!!
Well, I do know this great website called craigslist that has a free personals section... I'm pretty sure Reeses Pieces is still available too ;) Sounds too good to be true, eh?
PS: I think you did the right thing. Hot or not, that still sounds pretty creepy to me!
you are so funny Krishelle! I love reading your stories!
Ok so i am glad David told me to look up your blog. That story is hilarious and when i told him the one about you and Rob he started cracking up. Very fun stories!!
That is so funny. ya I agree with everyone. I think I would have done the same thing. for some reason it's a little awkward to have someone hit on you while driving. I love that story.... too funny.
I'm glad I saw you guys on Saturday also. I love your family. we need to reincarnate the macadoodles so we can see each other more often.
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